Who Am I?

Name: Valentin I. Stashinsky (pen name)
Age: 21 (Birthday in March)
Pronouns: any (no neopronouns please)*
Location: Indonesia
I am into watercolour painting, digital painting/illustration, and pixel art.I love Soviet history, especially regarding the chekists (secret police of USSR and ex-USSR countries). I am also good with Indonesian history in general. I also like WW2 and Cold War for historical periods I really like, but WW1 is also interesting to me.DNI (Do not interact) if:
>Nazi sympathiser/apologist/romanticist
>War crime denier and the likes
>Racists and Anti-LGBT people
>Abusers and Pedos please fuck off

To support me (financially) you can go to:(PayPal: ask in Discord/Insta/Twitter)

For people in CIS you can support me through here:Для тех, кто живет в гражданин СНГ, поддержите меня здесь:

To support me (financially) you can go to (For Indonesians):(OVO/GoPay: ask in Discord/Insta/Twitter)

My other Carrd links:

Servers (Discord)